Wiepersdorf Castle was once the residence of Bettina and Achim von Arnim, the place where this most famous writer couple of German Romanticism worked. Today, artists and academics from all over the world receive grants to pursue their own projects in Wiepersdorf.
The tour provides ten stops for you to get to know the grounds, the buildings, and the various residents of Wiepersdorf Castle as well as their stories. At each of the stops you will find a sign with a QR code. If you scan these codes with your smartphone, you can hear stories of three to six minutes that introduce you to the object or topic in question. Everything you listen to on the tour can also be followed or read on your smartphone, tablet, or the website of the Schloss Wiepersdorf Cultural Foundation. Additionally, each of the stops offers the opportunity to find out more in-depth knowledge about what you have heard or read with the help of expert information. You can organize your visit according to personal preferences—and the time you have available—by visiting and scanning individual stops or participate in the approximately one-hour-long tour. We cordially invite you to visit our café in the orangery. It is open in the summer months on Sundays.
Schloss Wiepersdorf
Bettina-von-Arnim-Straße 13
14913 Wiepersdorf
Phone: +49 (0)33746 699-0
Mail: info@schloss-wiepersdorf.de
Opening hours
The park is open to pedestrians daily from 7:00 a.m. until nightfall. The Café in the Orangery and the museum in the castle can be visited on Sundays from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Visit by car
Please find directions from Berlin to Wiepersdorf that is south of Berlin in Brandneburg/Niederer Fläming here. Parking available on the street.
Visit by public transportation
Check the timetable for the Regionalexpress (RE3/RE4) from Berlin (Gesundbrunnen, Hauptbahnhof, Südkreuz or Lichterfelde-Ost) to Jüterbog at www.bahn.de
From Jüterbog train station, continue with bus 774 or the call bus, Tel.: (03371) 62 81 81 (Booking required at least 60 minutes before the start of the trip; must be registered by 17:00 the previous day: Journeys Monday to Friday between 5:30 and 8:00, journeys on weekends and public holidays between 08:30 and 9:30). Please find information at: www.vtf-online.de
Schloss Wiepersdorf is a living and working space for artists and scholars. Please respect the privacy of guests and residents. The staff will be happy to answer any questions.
Funded by

With thanks to
Christian Boros
BOROS – Agentur für Kommunikation